Flask is a python framework used to run webserver.
Flask HelloWorld
Note, the capital F in flask after import keyword and also in app =.
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def home():
return "Hello World!"
Flask live reload on code changes
To reload the flask server whenever there are changes to the files, use debug=True
in app.run()
, like this:
Flask Render Template
We can separate the output of the route return statement in a template file and use render_template function to show it, like this:
from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)
def home():
# file home.html path is /templates/home.html
return render_template("home.html")
Flask get vs post data variables
You can use post and get variables sent via input fields of an html form in flask by using: (don’t forget to import request from flask)
# for url / get variables
# for post variables sent via form "post" method
Flask Layout Hello World
The structure will be:
- server.py
- templates/
- layout.html
- home.html
- static/
- style.css
from flask import Flask, render_template, url_for
app = Flask(__name__)
def home():
return render_template("home.html")
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>this is layout.html</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href='{{ url_for("static", filename="style.css") }}'>
<h1>Coming from layout.html</h1>
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block content %}
this is block from home
{% endblock %}
h1 {
color: red;
If Else condition in Jinja2 with python flask
You can add conditions in your templates using jinja2 like this:
{% if some_var %}
the var is available (add any html here)
{% else %}
it is not available :(
{% endif %}
Flask form difference between request.form[“var”] and request.form.get(“var”)
Both return the value of the var name specified. However, the request.form["var"]
will throw an error if the field was not found (or not submitted to the page), while request.form.get("var")
will return None, or else you can also specify a default value like this: request.form.get("var", "Default")
Flask redirect url_for
You can redirect to any page by passing in this as return for the route function:
return redirect(url_for('home'))
# where home is the name of the route function to which you want to redirect
Flask Dynamic Url (optional)
We can add dynamic url like this:
def show(one, two=None):
# do something here
Python Flask MySQL
Example template to execute mysql query using flask. This can be helpful forexample when submitting user form data to a database table.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from flask_mysqldb import MySQL
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = 'localhost'
app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = 'root'
app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = 'root'
app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = 'MyDB'
mysql = MySQL(app)
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
if request.method == "POST":
details = request.form
firstName = details['fname']
lastName = details['lname']
cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
cur.execute("INSERT INTO MyUsers(firstName, lastName) VALUES (%s, %s)", (firstName, lastName))
return 'success'
return render_template('index.html')
if __name__ == '__main__':