Shopify theme dev – blog author info
This post elaborates how to show the info of the blog author in your shopify theme. This will help you create the about the author block in your shopify 2.0 theme. What will not work …
This post elaborates how to show the info of the blog author in your shopify theme. This will help you create the about the author block in your shopify 2.0 theme. What will not work …
Update all dependencies in package.json [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod “Firebase/CoreOnly”: Delete ios/Podfile.lock and then run (in ios folder): How to read .env file in nodejs We need to install the …
While trying to setup @react-navigation/drawer, you may end up into an error hell where one error keeps coming after another. The errors espcially appear when you add createDrawerNavigator() to code. Here is the basic layout …
Use the following method to include the custom javascript code as inline javascript on your nextjs page: NextJs add Script inline Replace the content inside {` … `} with whatever you want to output. How …
Convert an existing valid date format to another We will do this without any external library. To convert January 25 2023 to 2023-01-25, use this: Note that regular getMonth() returns month from 0 for January, …
You can add a web view in your SwiftUI app by using the WebView component provided by the WebKit framework. Here are the steps to add a web view in your SwiftUI app: 1. Import …
.htaccess file for static Next.js build You can generate the static html version of nextjs through: This will generate the static version of your site in /out folder. You can copy that out folder to …
We can import images directly from a folder in nextjs and use their original path and filename by using the code below. Routinely, we import the image that we want to show on the page …
While trying to install windows on a macbook pro 2019, using boot camp assistant, I received the error: driver_pnp_watchdog Initially the Setup is starting screen took a long while, then the installation screen was not …
JavaScript spread operator is the simple three dot notation which spreads the array or object for us. For example: However, there are some differences in how we use them with regards to arrays and objects. …